3 Reasons Why You Should Feed Your Horse BioManeĀ®

3 Reasons Why You Should Feed Your Horse BioManeĀ®

Time and time again, BioMane Equine Pellets have been proven to drastically improve equine mane and tail growth, coat condition, and hoof health. For less than $1/day, these nutritional pellets provide all of the amino acids, proteins, vitamins, and nutrients that are necessary for exceptional equine hair growth. By feeding one scoop of BioMane pellets to each horse each day, BioMane users can expect to see three results for their horses: supported hair growth rates, optimized hair health, and a sense of renewed equine worth. These three outcomes have become somewhat of a mission statement for BioMane as a company, and they are the three reasons why every horse owner should feed their horse BioMane.

1.Ā Support Growth

BioMane Equine Pellets have been proven toĀ support mane and tail growth. While every horse is different, itā€™s not uncommon for your horse to grow several new inches of mane and tail each month while eating BioMane. Listen to this customer from the Western United States: ā€œI have been using BioMane on my horse for a few months now and his mane has grown from 5 inches to over 12 inches.ā€ Thatā€™s over 7 inches in just three months! That horse is not alone. Pictures of horses are sent to BioMane every single day with similar stories attached to them. Just take a look at the Instagram feed for @BioManeProducts and youā€™ll see for yourself. The bottom line is this: a horse eating BioMane Pellets each day will have greater support in growing a thicker and healthier mane, tail, and coat.

2. Optimize Health

As mentioned earlier, the diverse nutrition that is packed into BioMane pellets is proven toĀ bolster the health of a horseā€™s mane, tail, coat, and hooves. On January 25, a BioMane user told us, ā€œMy farrier said my horse's feet have never looked better!ā€ In fact, farriers and horse veterinarians regularly approach BioMane Products to find out how BioMane works and how they can sell it themselves. Another customer recently reported that ā€œ(her) horseā€™s coat looks amazing in just 15 days of being on BioMane!ā€ While BioMane was originally designed toĀ support mane and tail growth, BioMane customers have discovered that spotty coats, sparse manes, scraggly tails, and frail hooves see improvement when a horse is eating these powerful little pellets.Ā Ā 

3. Renewed Sense ofĀ Equine Worth

If you have a horse, you have probably experienced the frustration of finding a chunk of hair missing from his or her mane. Or maybe youā€™ve had a horse have his or her tail chewed off by another horse. Or perhaps youā€™ve tried topical remedies that promise horse hair/coat restoration, but they failed to deliver substantive results. Horse owners who were once distraught about their horseā€™s hair loss have found a hero in BioMane Products.

BioMane Equine Pellets have truly become a phenomenon. While equine shampoos, conditioners, or other topical products can temporarily help a horseā€™s hair look pretty, BioMane Equine Pellets are formulated toĀ fight the problem at its most basic source: the core nutrition of the horse itself. This targeted nutrition has proven time and time again toĀ support growth, optimize hair health, andĀ bring a sense of renewedĀ worth for BioMane horses of all ages and all breeds all over the world. A loyal BioMane customer from Riverton, Utah said it best: ā€œI would recommend BioMane Equine Pellets to anyone who has horses and who cares about how they look.ā€ Click HERE to order your own supply of BioMane Equine Pellets.

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My husband trains and sells rope horses. We have at
least 10 always at our home in Colorado. They all get biomane daily. He won a bag of biomane at a roping a few years ago and we have been using it ever since. A nice mane tail and coat always increases the value of any horse. Thank you for this great product!!

Connie hough

Do you feed BioMane as a vitamin supplement? Meaning do you not use your regular daily vitamin supplement? Concern is in selenium deficient areas

Kim Stokes

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